It’s Tomato Seedling Sale Week!

Six weeks in the greenhouse and these plants are beauties. Over 20 varieties of heirloom tomato plants, for our garden and those of our plant customers. You can come by the farm this week on Friday May 8 or Saturday May 9, 10am-5pm, for tomato plants. Email me for directions.

We had a good Pre-sale day today, with some of the regulars stopping by for their tomatoes.  Shannon came for her tomatoes, she has been a customer for years. She keeps a blog called Grown in Frederick. She went home and wrote this post about the sale, read all about it at her blog.

I have the greenhouse set up for the sale, with photos of the tomatoes whole and sliced, above each type of tomato plant. A few years ago we had a Tomato Tasting Festival, and took photos of each type of tomato on the tasting table. The event was fun, and I am still enjoying the ongoing benefit of it– helpful photos I get to use for the sale.


 Tomato plants

tomato plants 2

Perennial Chamomile plants for sale:


 By early August, this will be our treat, we can hardly wait:


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2 Responses to It’s Tomato Seedling Sale Week!

  1. Yeon says:

    I love the tomatoes all nicely packed in crates. Can’t wait for the fresh tomatoes to be available!

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