Here are variety descriptions of many of the plants we will have available at our Plant Sale. We may have some other tomato varieties as well, and other vegetable and herb plants. We have CSA shares left too, check in with me if you are interested.
Heirloom Tomato Varieties
House in the Woods Farm Plant Sale
Learn more about heirloom tomatoes
See photos of each tomato variety
REDS AND PINKS————————————
Brandywine–Pinkish red, most popular heirloom originated in 1889.
Black Krim–Dark red beefsteak with rich sweet taste from Black Sea of Russia
Prudens Purple–deep pink-red juicy slicer like Brandywine.
Cherokee Purple–A favorite, from Tennessee cultivated by the Cherokee Tribe. Plants loaded with beefsteak tomatoes. Deep red interior flesh, rich, complex flavor.
Rutgers– From 1934 “the Jersey tomato”, red tomatoes great taste for fresh slicing or cooking.
Black Prince– From Siberia, one of the most popular black tomatoes. Rich taste for cooking or fresh. Smaller fruit.
Amish Paste–reliable traditional red roma with thick skin and less juice, ideal for cooking and canning, but sweet enough to eat fresh.
UNIQUE COLORS————————————-
Old German/Pineapple a mild sweet fruity tomato, with red-yellow streaks to skin and flesh. Low acid, as are most yellow, orange and green tomatoes.
Green Zebra–A magic tomato, green with dark green stripes, skin blushes yellow when ripe. Green salsa or even green sauce! A hit for contrast on a potluck platter. Also have some Cherokee Green.
Persimmon–rose-orange, like a persimmon, fruity sweet and mild.
CHERRY TOMATOES————————————————
Sungold Cherry–Orange, super sweet mini tomato. A rare exception to our heirloom rule in our tomato collection, this hybrid is worth it. Our CSA members eat them all up on the car-ride home. (I’ve got plenty of these popular plants!)
Matt’s Wild Cherry–little red cherry tomatoes that grow like crazy in cute little six-pack stems. (limited availability)