Happy Gardening

Thank you to all the gardeners who came to the House in the Woods Plant Sale. We appreciate your support. We love to see you each year and hear about your gardening plans. We work hard to start these strong healthy seedlings throughout March and April (with some of our awesome volunteers!), then it is fun to send them off into gardens all over the region.



These two eager gardeners came to the farm with their garden plan in hand. They were looking for heirloom tomato plants and wanted to support a local business. Shannon asked on her local neighborhood listserve and up popped our CSA member, Elissa, who recommended they stop by our sale. We had all Shannon’s favorite heirloom varieties! Considering there are hundreds of heirlooms to choose from, it was pretty amazing that our 15 varieties included her faves. Check out their garden plan:

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Dave and his son live near us and found out about our farm from our farm lane sign. Look how excited they are about their garden! Planting time is full of potential, full of plans. Time to get into the dirt and put it into action!

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Happy gardening, from our garden to yours,

Ilene and Phil

Miss out on the sale? Find our tomato and eggplant plants at The Common Market. They also offer a great array of other organic garden starts, go check it out.

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