The bees have been busy, beekeeper Steve keeps an eye on them. He has worked hard this spring and summer to keep our bees happy. Steve is passionate about beekeeping and community education about honeybees. We are eternally grateful, so of course, we feed his family heirloom tomatoes. Are you an aspiring beekeeper? Take a class with Steve! Phil did. Steve also sells all the supplies, check it out at
The kids are getting geared up to check in on the bees and collect a little honey. We sure didn’t expect a speck of honey, so this is a real treat. We left plenty of full honeycomb in the hive to feed the bees through the winter.
Steve and one of the frameless combs. The bees made their comb without any foundation comb, isn’t it beautiful? That means we can eat the honey right in the comb, my absolute favorite taste sensation of all time.
Look at my brave kids! They are so interested and Steve is so patient.
Jonah gently brushes the bees off the comb we are collecting.
Here is Steve, enjoying some bee-gold in the comb with us, right in the garden. What an incredible treat. Thank you, Steve!