House in the Woods Organic Heirloom Plant Sale
One of the most delicious tastes of summer is the heirloom tomato. These old-time varieties are bred for their taste and unique characteristics, unlike hybrids developed for a thick skin to withstand shipment to the grocery store. They are also indeterminate plants which means they flower continuously so you get a longer harvest. Heirloom varieties are bred for backyard gardens with a priority on taste–find out for yourself in your garden.
Sale Hours —
MAY 2-8:
Sunday May 2, 10am-5pm
Tuesday-Thursday (May 4th-6th) from 4-7pm
Friday May 7th, 10am-5pm
Saturday May 8th, 10am-5pm
2104 Mt Ephraim Rd, Adamstown, MD 21710
Contact or 301-607-4048 for directions and appointments off-hours.
$4 per tomato plant, $3.50 for others, plus 6% sales tax. Ask about other plants for sale. We have another dozen heirloom tomato varieties beyond this list!
Bring a box for your plants. Return pots to our mailbox, well re-use them!
May 2-8, 2010. More info– 301-607-4048
REDS AND PINKS————————————
____ Black Krim–Dark red beefsteak with rich sweet taste from Black Sea of Russia
____ Brandywine–Pinkish red, most popular heirloom originated in 1889.
____ Cherokee PurpleA favorite, from Tennessee cultivated by the Cherokee Tribe. Plants loaded with beefsteak tomatoes. Deep red interior flesh, rich, complex flavor.
____ Arkansas Travelerflavorful perfect rose-pink heirloom, 100 years old from the south. Tolerant of high heat, humidity, drought. Resistant to splitting.
UNIQUE COLORS————————————-
____ Old Germana mild sweet tomato, with red-yellow streaks to skin and flesh. Low acid, as are most yellow, orange and green tomatoes.
____ Persimmon–Rose-orange like a persimmon, big, sweet. Fruit up to 2 pounds!
Vigorous and prolific plants.
____ Green Zebra–A magic tomato, green with dark green stripes, skin blushes
yellow when ripe. Green salsa or even green sauce! A hit for contrast on a potluck platter. Also have some Cherokee Green.
PASTES for cooking and saucing————————————————
____ Speckled Roma–Paste tomato, Red with a hint of orange and wavy yellow
streaks, a beauty! And sweet, you’ll want to cut some for the salad too.
____ Purple Calabashrich red tomato good for saucing. Squatty shape.
____ Orange Banana –another unique paste, this one is orange!
____ Matts Wild Cherry–Mini red wild cherry tomatoes, prolific. Cute little stems
with six bite-size tomatoes on each. Kids love em!
____ Sungold Cherry–Orange, super sweet mini tomato. A rare exception to our
heirloom rule in our tomato collection, this hybrid is worth it. Our CSA members
eat them all up on the car-ride home.
PEPPERS and EGGPLANT——————————————————
____ Marconiheirloom long green bell pepper that ripens to red
____ Purple Beautybeautiful purple skin, green inside like a regular bell pepper
____ PimentoRipens to red quickly, tangy but mild, ideal for cooking or roasting
____ New Acea boxy hybrid green bell pepper that ripens quickly to red
____ Jalapenothe medium-hot salsa pepper, prolific
____ Nadia Italian Eggplantbeautiful shiny standard Italian eggplant
____ Japanese Eggplantlong skinny Asian eggplant, great sliced for cooking.
PERENNIAL HERBS—————————————————-
____ Chamomilebeautiful little daisy-like flowers, dry them for tea
____ Sage, Thyme, Oreganogreat culinary herbs for any herb garden.
____ Basil and Parsley too–most popular herbs in the garden