Harvest #7–summer bounty begins

Harvest #7, July 8, 2011

OK, we have a lot of different items all ready for harvest for this
week. We’ll just lay em out for you and let you choose. Its like a
farmer’s market here at House in the Woods and you get to choose from
all the beautiful options. If you want more than 8 items, extra items
are available for $3.50, so you can’t lose.
Select 8 from the following items for this Friday:

Fresh garlic (We’ll offer the seconds/splits for a few weeks, use it
soon, or put peeled cloves in a jar with olive oil in the frig; the
beauties are curing, for later CSA weeks and for sale by the pound next

Beets! We MUST pull the beets!

Heirloom tomatoes (we don’t know what kind of quantities we have yet, but they are coming. We’ll see!)

fennel, try it sliced thin on the grill. The last week of fennel.

jalapeno peppers

Green peppers

Italian eggplant including specialty Italian called Beatrice (its pink!)

Japanese eggplant

Sweet or Thai basil (I made pesto with Thai basil and I LOVE it. Its a richer taste, almost spicey in a very good way)

scallions (almost gone)

lettuce (a new smaller batch of lettuce, red and romaine)

garlic scapes (if there is still interest in scapes, we still have some…)


chard (oh sweet healthy endlessly available chard)


bok choy maybe

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